Center of Industry and Trade Promotion Quang Tri
Center of Industry and Trade Promotion Quang Tri

Improving the value of plantation timber

Tuesday - 12/01/2016 09:42
In the context of international economic integration, deeper, how to approach the market with the best advantages is posing problems for the industry, including the forestry sector. However, how to align more closely between production and processing to enhance the value of plantations is the question now.
Improving the value of plantation timber
With 132 thousand hectares of production forests, including 80 thousand hectares of forest is enormous potential glue of Quang Tri province in the forestry production. Annually, Quang Tri province has more than 1.5 million m3go, not only providing enough for the wood processing plants in the province but also for domestic consumption and export abroad.
This advantage is determined wood processing industry will be one of the main industries of Quang Tri province. However, the supply of timber to be transparent and legally promoted.
Mr. Kong Central, Director Forest Protection Department of Quang Tri province said: "To do so, requires planting material to the application of science and technology to create productivity and quality of forest and more enhance the value of forests growing on one hectare more. "
Stemming from the potential and advantages of land, Quang Tri province are eligible to bring industry-oriented production of plantation timber processing industrial manufacturing major.
However, for forest raw material sold on the market is favorable, the forest owners to meet the requirements of the extraction, processing prescribed. First, the operators must be allowed by authorities depending on the origin of the forest; on the other hand, wood processing should prioritize joinery products such as bars, energy pellets for markets like the US and Europe are very popular.
Mr. Kong Central, Director of FPD, Quang Tri province, added: "We are now also gradually be perennial crops to produce large timber, to have material for the wood processing industry. Currently, the wood processing factory in Quang Tri Quang Tri province is concerned, while the factory is also home consumption of agricultural products for farmers. "
In the value chain from planting, to service mining and processing trade it must follow a prescribed order of the state. So Quang Tri have land potential, people are concentrating large forest production will likely bring productivity and value increasing plantations, created to contribute to the province's GDP is growing more .

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