Center of Industry and Trade Promotion Quang Tri
Center of Industry and Trade Promotion Quang Tri

Thematic fostering regional economic integration, and international

Tuesday - 12/01/2016 09:37
Morning 12/17/2015, Quang Tri province has organized thematic training conference on "Economic integration Te regional and national opportunities and challenges" and some development orientation of Quang Tri province by Dr. Tran Du Lich, member of the National Assembly's Economic Committee, deputy chief of Ho Chi Minh city MPs, head of advisory group linked develop central coastal region was a lecturer. Attending the conference were Mr. Pham Duc Chau, Deputy Secretary of Provincial Party Committee; Nguyen Duc Chinh, Deputy Secretary of Party Committee, Chairman and comrades in BTV Committee, People's Committee and Fatherland Front Committee and nearly 200 leaders of departments and local authorities in the province.
Thematic fostering regional economic integration, and international
In the 10-year strategic economic development - society from 2011 to 2020, the Eleventh Party Congress defined the task to restructure the overall economy paradigm shift associated with growth, improve efficiency and competitiveness of the economy. To shorten the process of industrializing the country and to conform to the trend of integration of the foregone era, the party has had a policy of "active and positive integration". Internal resources of the economy are factors that determine success in integration.
At the training course, Dr. Tran Du Lich presented the opportunities and challenges of the economy of our country in the process of integration; the direct impact of the integration process; oriented restructuring and transformation of growth model - the decisive factor for success in integration. It also pointed out the challenges from internal economic structure and the direct impact of integration. Accordingly, when Vietnam integrates would have 3 great opportunities open to the economy and now that we have a playground area and the global economy open and remove barriers to trade and the environment domestic macroeconomic improved to adapt. And the challenge for business is infrastructure and social unfavorable to enhance the competitiveness of the economy and support to enterprises to improve their competitiveness. Business VN will reveal weaknesses and risk being dominated by foreign corporations. Therefore the question is to restructure the economy to improve competitiveness, ie to harness the strengths of tropical agriculture towards intensive, large scale to attract resources invested and applied science and technology.
Based on the analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of Quang Tri province, Dr. Tran Du Lich stated some of the problem-oriented development of Quang Tri province in the coming time. Accordingly Quang Tri should develop economic sectors in view of "open economic structure" and placed in regional development relationship. That is to review its economic development plan - based society based on regional links. Priority focus changed agricultural structure under 2 contents were: reorganization of production and the labor movement and how to apply science and technology to production. At the same time exploiting the economic strengths sea on 4 areas namely: ports associated with logistic operations; the industries associated with port advantages, the focus is economic zone southeast, is extremely development facing the sea. Quang Tri to develop fisheries associated with logistics and commercial marine craft fitted with island tourism. To achieve this, Quang Tri province to choose these investors actually have the potential to create growth poles do attract investment dynamics in each different sector, along with the right to revise planning economic development - social and support policies with resources for investors can be realized. A very important factor that is to improve the quality of management of public administration and build a real service department.
Regarding the specific measures, Member of the National Assembly Economic Committee of Tourism said Tran Quang Tri to take advantage of the economic corridor East - West and Southeast Economic Zone Government recently approved the build a strategic vision for the future further, putting the province of Quang Tri become strong and sustainable development. Also, to implement these solutions, the administrative apparatus must be built is a real administration and the administration service. The province should also clearly define the authorities of Quang Tri can support investment in how resources, supported where to investors can learn about and invest in Quang Tri Province.

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