Center of Industry and Trade Promotion Quang Tri
Center of Industry and Trade Promotion Quang Tri

Workshop shared analysis of border trade of agricultural products in Quang Tri province

Tuesday - 12/01/2016 09:39
On 12/23/2015, PPC collaboration with the Mekong Institute held a workshop to share the results of analysis of border trade of agricultural products in Quang Tri province. Nguyen Huu Dung, UVTV Committee, Vice Chairman and Dr. Watcharas Leelawath, director of the Mekong Institute hosted the workshop. Attending were representatives of Leadership, an expert of the Institute; representatives of the departments and agencies; members of the project "Capacity building towards comprehensive development and equality GMS" Quang Tri province and group study.
Workshop shared analysis of border trade of agricultural products in Quang Tri province
Analysis on the status of agricultural production - imports through Lao Bao international border gate and La Lay, the researchers found that the majority of agricultural production - along the border imports through quota, commodities The main export crops include: garlic, peanuts, milk pigs, dried seafood. However, exports of agricultural products to countries along the economic corridor East - West tends giam.Van recommended procedures and customs clearance at the border are still difficulties and problems tariff policy for goods brought into the KT - Lao Bao Special TM. In addition, restrictions on system infrastructure, population density, charge rates for use of the infrastructure at international border gates La Lay not identifiable incentives; the entry points untapped and trading activities are so difficult to promote border trade activities.
The team's report also indicates factors promote border trade in Quang Tri Province, which is the tariff policy: Agreement on trade in goods ATIGA comprehensive ASEAN, Vietnam Bilateral Trade Agreement - Laos; Non-tariff policy; supporting policies border trade. Also pointed out the challenges of border trade of agricultural commodities: weak production capacity and low competitiveness; Large price fluctuations and volatility of markets; infrastructure in border areas underdeveloped; the majority of agricultural products are consumed in the form of raw materials; lack of legal basis for the lease of land in Laos, the Lao regulations; lack of market information, lack of coherence between actors and poor chain management, exist several intermediary.
Accordingly, the team made 6 solutions to support development, which concentrates several solutions: formation of the production of raw materials across borders to service exports such as coffee, bananas and cassava; formed "economic frontier region free" between Gate B fastened production of key commodities with deep processing plants; PPC search assistance, call for investors; strengthen the link between farmers and the final processing facilities, factories; use of technical progress, to introduce new varieties; focus on improving the quality and branding for some key agricultural commodities of the border area; organize collection focuses harvest crops; maintain the tax incentives for importing goods duty free area.
In closing the workshop, Deputy Chairman Nguyen Huu Dung stressed: The seminar provides information, data, create the panorama on border trade of Quang Tri province. Also ask the departments and agencies continue to study measures to promote the development of border trade; Trade and Industry Department in collaboration with the research group complete summary report, from which you have proposed specific recommendations. PPC desired Mekong Institute continued interest and support for this project is extending the time limit, giving practical effect in the province.

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