Center of Industry and Trade Promotion Quang Tri
Center of Industry and Trade Promotion Quang Tri

Need innovative local industrial promotion activities

Wednesday - 13/01/2016 05:53
To promote small industry production in the local development, the industrial promotion activities (KC) play an important role. On the other hand, the economic development objectives towards increasing the share of industry and services, reduce the share of agriculture should solve labor imbalances caused by a part of the population in rural underemployment in Meanwhile more than 70% of rural population and land. Therefore, activities to arouse KC potential in rural areas to ensure the balance of labor markets and meet the goals of socio-economic development of the locality.
Need innovative local industrial promotion activities
In recent years, Quang Tri was an attempt to implement activities such as training labor KC; application support advanced equipment in production to improve productivity and quality; development of new products, traditional products; construction, branding, trademark; planning clusters focusing create space for industrial production ... Only in 2013, from the national budget and local KC has supported 22 projects for businesses, rural industrial establishments in the locality with funds 1381.5 million. Support 2 vocational training scheme for 205 employees (vocational steamed fish drying, ink stick and joinery production from plantation timber exports). Advice and support building technical demonstrations by manufacturing paper describes automatic glue injection technology at Mount Dragon Corporation (Huong Hoa). Support for 11 rural industrial establishments to expand the scale of investment, the application of machinery, advanced equipment in production and processing of environmental pollution in manufacturing plastic pipes, B40 mesh, barbed, pressed charcoal from waste rice husk, rice pancake with systems using electric stoves, luxury toilet paper; automatic bottled water and support investment in the kiln system to produce steam bar wood joinery, wooden handicrafts for export. Support 4 investment base system production equipment noodles, bread rather artisanal production in order to improve productivity, quality assurance, environmental pollution treatment and register packing, labeling, branding 4 product brand for tea (Co. Lava), jellyfish Store Vietnam, Vietnamese fish sauce, lime serve agricultural production, aquaculture. Especially through support from KC source has attracted more than 30 billion investment to develop production from the rural industrial establishments.
Activities KC has made significant contributions to the promotion of rural industrial development, help many establishments, enterprises overcome economic difficulties. However, the conditions in the province where the number of industrial enterprises producing meager, production base of small-scale, management capacity, limited business knowledge always posed challenges for KC activities. Currently working in the local KC are classified into three levels (central, provincial, district). In each level there are different standards of support schemes. Especially in the central scheme KC demanding as a vocational training scheme to over 200 employees, productivity application support equipment must have capacity of 1 billion investment, the occupancy rate of industrial clusters and counterpart funding of infrastructure investment enterprises to large industrial complexes ... Meanwhile enterprises, rural industrial base in our province has no clear plans to invest up to attract funds from this source to meet many difficult, even with the approved scheme but to adjust, not get investment. The registration scheme are small no provincial funding arrangement is often the districts, towns and cities set aside a portion of annual funding to support KC, encouragement. But not any locality of the province also have this funding should support not been timely and common. On the other hand KC staff unstable districts, often fluctuating, low effectiveness. This fact has influenced the work of KC KC by district officials are closely with the rural industrial base, understand the needs and capabilities of each unit should facilitate the project evaluation and monitoring of results operation of the projects supported. On the other hand in recent years due to the economic downturn, many businesses struggling, even to dissolve lead to many projects must reduce, or simply stop investing progress should work KC also encountered certain difficulties.
It should be affirmed that the current KC activities are needed to support rural industrial establishments conversion methods, mechanization of production processes, improve product quality, product ... but I felt should changes in form, method and practical depth. Specifically, as the renewal of equipment attached to the supporting application of cleaner production techniques; strengthening support for training of management skills and administration for enterprises, rural industrial base to help the owners to change the traditional business thinking, towards professional development to meet the requirements Legal and enhance the reputation in the market; dissemination of legal knowledge and production techniques through leaflets and posters until the establishment; construction and implementation of the scheme point, the scheme for many years to maximize efficiency schemes KC ... necessary to enhance the operation of the park extension in supporting, advising rural industrial establishments from the page legal knowledge to machinery and equipment manufacturing and product improvements. Because this is the real content needed for SX-KD's operating businesses. The province should promptly added some provisions, boldly applied some form of content and support new industrial promotion matching local business conditions.

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