Center of Industry and Trade Promotion Quang Tri
Center of Industry and Trade Promotion Quang Tri

Two products of Quang Tri is recognized as the typical rural industrial national level in 2015

Wednesday - 13/01/2016 05:59
17/10/2015 bright day at the Hanoi Opera House, the Ministry of Commerce held a ceremony to announce and honor the rural industrial products represents the national level in 2015. Deputy Prime Minister Vu Van Ninh and Deputy Minister of Industry and Trade Hoang Quoc Vuong was attended and awarded a certificate and logo products typical rural industrial enterprises, rural industrial establishments. In Quang Tri province which has two products are recognized as typical rural industrial products nationally in 2015.
2015 was the first year the Ministry of Industry and Trade shall review and approve the products at national level. The selection, announced and honored the rural industrial products is one of the guidelines and policies of the Party and the State on industrial promotion, contributing to the development of rural industries. The vote and honor to choose the product characteristics, outstanding among rural industrial products typical regional level. The following products will be honored at the State agency supporting production development, trade promotion, contributing to the development of rural industries. Besides, the program also aims to attract, encourage and motivate businesses, industrial production facilities in rural general and product units have been voted more actively in the maintenance release production of high quality products, the potential advantage of local advantages.
Of the 100 rural industrial products typical national level in 2015 was honored this session of the group: The group of handicraft products: 25 products; Group processing of agricultural products, forestry, fisheries and beverages: 40 products; Product Groups equipment, machinery, tools and mechanical parts: 25 products; Groups other products: 10 products. Divided by region, the Northern Region has 39 national product meets the 17/18 provinces and cities; Southern region has 31 product 16/17 provinces and cities; Central Region - Highlands has 30 product 11/11 provinces and cities. Two typical products of Quang Tri include Vietnam's dairy business households Nguyen Thi Tin, Gio Linh Xuyen and welding of welding rod factory Xuyen - JSC Hieu Giang Dien Sanh at CCN, Hai Lang.
The products were selected as the industrial products, handicraft by the rural industrial establishments producing and registered vote. This is not a counterfeit product; the production does not violate the regulations on intellectual property rights, industrial property rights and other regulations related standards and regulations in terms of quality, hygiene and safety, food safety and environmental Protection. These products are capable of mass production, in bulk, to meet market demand.
At the ceremony, Deputy Prime Minister Vu Van Ninh appreciated the initiative of the Ministry of Industry and Trade in organizing the program proposal. He also praised the organization or individual with his enthusiasm has created products, brand reputation, consumer confidence, practical contribution to implementing the policy results Party and State on rural agriculture, restructuring agriculture country.
In the process of deeper integration into the world economy offers many opportunities but also many challenges for agriculture, industry in general and in particular rural industry. Especially when rural industrial development of our country is not really sustainable, low competitiveness, market outlets for commodities remains difficult. This requires the ministries, branches and localities, especially the Ministry of Industry and Trade needs further efforts, implement the policies of the sector, the State Agriculture and Rural Development. In particular, focus on promoting activities towards the industrial promotion and investment incentives to support manufacturing enterprises, expand market management capacity and competitiveness for sustainable development. Deputy Prime Minister also requested, every business, every manufacturer should promote the spirit of initiative and creativity should promote the application of science and technology, construction and development of products of high added value, branded Vietnam dominate the domestic market and gradually prestige on the world market, primarily in the markets of Vietnam has signed bilateral trade agreements and multilateralism.
He also believes that every product be honored will add impetus to businesses and individuals throughout the country continue to produce energetic, creative work, contribute more to the development background agriculture country.

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