Center of Industry and Trade Promotion Quang Tri
Center of Industry and Trade Promotion Quang Tri

Some orientations to development industry and trade Quang Tri in 2020

Thursday - 24/11/2016 03:32
Implementing Resolution Party Congress 16th of Quang Tri Province, Party and people in the province have tried their best and gained important achievements in all fields, the basic completion of the target by the General Assembly, in which the industrial sector - commercial developments rather, an important contribution to economic growth.
Some orientations to development industry and trade Quang Tri in 2020
Industrial growth contributed to economic restructuring towards industrialization and modernization: total product in the province (GRDP) 2011-2015 average growth of 7.4% / year, higher the average of the whole country; in which the value of industrial growth - construction 8.9% / year and accounting for 37.9% proportion in the structure of GRDP. Industrial scale increased significantly, in 2015 the industrial production value reached 6674.1 billion (1.7 times in 2010), both in 2011-2015 is estimated at 27,705.1 billion, an average growth rate Force this stage is 11.27% / year. Has formed a number of key industrial products such as wood chipboard MDF, starch, beer, ready-made garments, chemical fertilizers; ... energy industry, rural industry is concerned to encourage investment and development. Trade in services achieved much progress, especially export breakthrough. Commercial activities and services at this stage still maintain relatively high growth rate. Total retail sales of goods and services in the period 2011 -2015 society (at current prices) reached 85,032 billion (84,980 billion plan), the average growth rate of the period 2011-2015 is 17 , 4%. Commodity export turnover in 2011-2015 reached USD 766 million, exceeding 97.89% compared to the planned target (S 387 million), growth of 29.7% on an annual average / year ( University of proposed indicators is 18.6% / year). The system of rural markets and commercial centers, shops buffet is the construction, supermarkets and convenience stores that form, the system of bonded warehouses, wholesale centers are being finalized, the system infrastructure has contributed actively promote trade, export and import growth. The challenges faced by the sector activity. The next year, the world economic situation and the region continues to place complex financial crisis, the global economic downturn and unpredictable; speed economic recovery was slow, impact on the economy of our country and the economy of the province. In the present context when competitive trends change in the nature and scale has become deeply significant challenges for economic development. Deep integration process must be subject to competition in terms of price, product structure, market ... consumption mechanism and policy system is not uniform, some policies need to continue to adjust, modify, some major new policy takes effect. Regional small and medium enterprises, craft villages with small-scale operations, governance capacity, low production, use craft technology, backward as environmental pollution and poor competitiveness. Orientation, development goals of Trade and Industry 2016-2020 period: Resolution of the provincial Party Congress XVI, 2015-2020 tenure has set out some basic indicators of industrial development, trade period 2016 - 2020, in which growth rate of the total products in the province (GRDP) stages an annual average from 2016 to 2020 to reach 7.5 to 8%. Striving growth of industrial value - the average 5-year construction reaches 10.5 to 11% / year. Speed increases the commercial value - the average service of 8.5 - 9%; / year; Striving turnover annual import 450-500 million, of which exports more than 230 million. Industry development in the direction of high-tech products to ensure our competitiveness in the international market; take the energy industry, textile industry, processing industry (wood, agro-forestry, fisheries) as the focus, develop supporting industries serving major industries generate high added value chain value; link industry clusters formed on the basis of the nuclear big business, small and medium enterprises that supply satellites. Continue to implement effectively the industrial development plan till 2020 and orientations to 2025; concurrent review, additional adjustments to suit trends and potential development of local strengths. Make good planning on the construction of the economic zone Southeast Quang Tri, planning implementation details to create conditions to attract investment. Stepping up investment promotion activities of industrial projects that provinces with large-scale comparative advantages such as energy, textile, industrial siliccat, first of all the projects: coal-fired power plant of 1,200 MW, but the river water supply projects, wind power projects, gas processing plants, the supporting industrial projects ... Support accelerate the construction of projects being implemented in the zones, industrial clusters. Attract FDI and other capital sources for investment in infrastructure step by step techniques Southeast Economic Zone and continue building and improving infrastructure in the area, Industrial Complex, the economic zone, recovery and development villages, introduction of new trades; the construction of the wastewater treatment system of environmental standards in the area, the industrial cluster. To accelerate industrial promotion activities; encourage and create favorable conditions for enterprises to apply advanced science and technology to the production and business; supporting businesses, production facilities expand production scale in the direction of improving productivity and quality; energy saving, clean production, application of quality management systems. Priority focus on developing agro-processing industry, forestry and fisheries based on resource advantages in the local market can consume. Good implementation of the state policy to encourage enterprises to invest in agriculture and rural areas. Improve the capacity and efficiency of production of mechanical engineering, repair and manufacture of spare parts; building and repair of fishing vessels, means of transport; assembly equipment for agricultural production. Commercial development towards harmony between the development of domestic market and export, focus and boost the export of items with localized content, high added value. Attaches great importance to the domestic market, especially the rural market; create stable markets for goods, especially agricultural produce of local goods; boost exports of products manufactured locally. Create a comfortable environment to attract export businesses through the Lao Bao international border gate and La Lay. Supporting the formation of commercial enterprises large and high competitiveness. Improve the performance of the petrol stations combined vacation destination on Economic Corridor East - West. Strongly develop transport services, network storage, logistics centers, services for transit goods, temporary import for re-export. To promote the development of transport services of international multimodal connection with multimodal transport in the hinterland. Gradually build Quang Tri become a transit point for goods from countries in the region. Support enterprises to build brands, expand markets, e-commerce applications. /.

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