Center of Industry and Trade Promotion Quang Tri
Center of Industry and Trade Promotion Quang Tri

Quang Tri People’s Committee directs to boost industry extension activities and industrial development consultant

Wednesday - 21/12/2016 04:05
             In recent time; industry extension acticities and industrial development consultant had made positive contribution to support investor expasion; develop production; improve productivity; goods quality as well as creat jobs and increase income for local labour. By required supporting and encouraging the development for enterprises; industrial production facilities – especially rural industry in the near future; the dated 22/11/2016; Quang Tri People’s Committee issued document No.4935/Committee – CN in direction to boost industry extansion activities and industrial development consultant in the province.
             Thereby; Quang Tri People’s Committee required agencies and related units perform some main tasks such as: promoting the propaganda; updating and supplementing the regulations in the field industry extension to citizen; businesses and facilities follow by completing well the building programs; plans and annual considering arrangement reasonable budget from province’s expense for industry extension activities and industrial development consultant.
            At the same time; researching and suggesting solutions which remove difficulties or problems for enterprises and manafacture facilities in the field industry. Beside that; People’s Committee of Quang Tri also requests for enhance cooperation between departments; boards; divisions and local offices which made best condition for development of enterprises.
            Finally; monitoring tiitles industry extension and unifying sign labor contracts with industry extesion officials belong to district/

Author: Anh Thư

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